Peer to peer lending in ireland

Ireland, Thought Provoking

Doing some thinking over the Christmas break, I wondered why the concept of peer to peer lending had not been introduced in Ireland in which it exists in the UK through companies like Zopa. Ireland seems like the perfect market as the banks have failed their societal duty to keep businesses going through lending. There are people with money to invest who did well during the Celtic tiger. Perhaps there is a regulatory issue that makes lending unsafe in Ireland. It certainly seems that there is a business opportunity fhere.


Bern, Finland, Helsinki, Switzerland

I haven’t really had much time to update this log for a while. This was primarily due to moving from Switzerland to Finland including renting an unfurnished apartment which was a first for me. Now that everything is settled you can count in more updates, photos and links.

An interesting take on cottage software development trends

Tech, Thought Provoking

The Guardian features a fascinating article on where developers should focus their freetime development over the next year and half or so. It goes on about the options between building for iOS, Android and Windows 8. 

And then Windows 8. If you learn how to build apps for Windows 8 you’ll emerge with skills that are bang up-to-date and are readily transferable into your day job. But again, you might make some small amount of money shifting applications. But things get more interesting after next Christmas…