Riga Airport

Bern, Helsinki, Switzerland, Travel

In transit between Helsinki and Bern. Grey day outside. Riga has a small but functional airport. Found a nice cafe with a spare power socket. Free wifi but it keeps showing adverts every second minute.

Air Baltic seem like the Ryanair of Northern Europe. Sneaky charges for checking in and a couple of staff who have horrible customer service skills. Can’t forget that horrible woman in at the check-in in Vilnius airport that I dealt with a couple of years ago. It was by far the worst checkin experience I have had so far.



Bern, Finland, Helsinki, Switzerland

I haven’t really had much time to update this log for a while. This was primarily due to moving from Switzerland to Finland including renting an unfurnished apartment which was a first for me. Now that everything is settled you can count in more updates, photos and links.