I was struck at how the girl and the guy both wore headphones and studiously ignored one another. Just before the photograph was taken, both were looking at something on their phones. How do they miss the wider world?
Luzern Bridge
Photography, Switzerland, TravelChicago Sunset
Photography, TravelChicago Sunset, a set on Flickr.
watching the scenery
Photography, Switzerland, TravelPensive passenger on the train to Geneva 2 weeks ago.
Thought Provoking, TravelFrom Crooked Timber
Here are the things most people would happily pay for at an international transit airport: – a shower – clean underwear (for those of us who habitually forget to pack it) – daylight – an exercise facility to help with the jetlag and minimise DVT – nutritious but not too heavy food – a nap, lying flat, somewhere quiet.
And here’s what is generally available: – Gucci – Chanel – l’Occitane – Bodyshop – Lacoste – Nike – a few plastic seats – McDonalds, dougnuts, and the local variety of fried, sugary dross to add a sugar hangover to your jetlag.
Country Diary
Achill, Ireland, TravelCountry Diary from The Guardian with a nice piece on Achill.
North we went to spend a few days on Achill Island (it is joined to the mainland). We had Slievemore Mountain behind us and sat facing the great Minaun Cliffs which rise from the sea, sheer in places and angled backwards in others. Such soft brown where heather grows, deepening almost to black where turf (peat) is visible. The cliff slabs change in colour from dark violet to black as the sun slants on their adamantine surfaces. The smell of turf burning fills the air with its acrid, not unpleasant scent.