Photography, TravelOn the phone
Photography, Travel
On the phone, originally uploaded by polnamara.
Photography, TravelJP Grealis – Missing Irish Person in the Netherlands
IrelandI just got an email forwarded on about an Irish person from Achill who has been missing since November 2008.
Dear All,
Happy New Year to all and apologies for not sending any Christmas cards this year, my family and I are going through a tough time as my brother, JP, is missing in the Netherlands.I have a favour to ask, could you please pass on this mail with the information below – I know it’s a long shot but it may reach someone that has seen him in the past few weeks, we will try anything at this stage. We have been doing everything we can to find JP with the Police and the Embassy and also my sisters, Mani, my brother-in laws and JP’s friends have searched various places in the Netherlands but there appears to be no trace of him since he was seen in Eindhoven during the 1st week of November. It seems unlikely but he may have travelled outside of the Netherlands so we are also searching in
Belgium/Spain/Germany etc.Thank you,
- Nationality: Irish
- Name: James Patrick Grealis, known as JP
- Date of Birth: 14/03/1984 (24 years old)
- Hair: Red (curly/wavy)
- Height: approx.1.75 meter/ approx 5′ 9”
- Build: Slim build with broad shoulders
- Clothes: Generally wears T-shirts, jeans, hoodies etc (he has a habit of walking with his sleeves pulled down over his hands)
- General Information: Smoker, works in building trade, likes to socialize
JP was last seen in Eindhoven (1 st week of Nov) and last called home from Breda (23 rd of Oct). He may have travelled to Rotterdam in November. Any information please contact me (00 353 (0)87 2393993) or the Irish Police on 00 353 (0)98 20830 or the Dutch Police on 00 31 79-345 8882 ( case number 08261250 for Dutch Police)
Mobile Telephone: + 353 87 2393993
His details are also included on the Dutch Red Cross site here and also on the Irish Missing Persons website here.