TripIt is awesome

Tech, Travel, Web

Brilliant tip from Joel on Software about a new travel service called TripIt. I just tried it myself and the only issue I can see is that it doesn’t show dates in non-US format. I was surprised that it managed to parse a pdf attachment from Lufthansa and get all of the details right.

Joel explains very succinctly how it works.

It’s kind of magical. You don’t have to fill out lots of little fields with all the details, because they’ve done a lot of work to parse those confirmation emails correctly… it worked flawlessly for my upcoming trip to Japan.

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Automatic geotagging of photos

Photography, Tech

DP Review reports that a new geotagging device that adds geotagging to photos taken while carrying it around. I have thought about adding geotagging to my photos but every solution that I have considered takes some effort. This would be very nice to sync with Google Maps on my fotolog site.

The pocket-sized receiver keeps track of where you go and, so long as you’ve synchronized your camera with the clock on the Photo Finder, will match up your photos with where you were when you took them. Inserting an SD, SDHC, MMC or Memory Stick PRO Duo card allows the device to embed this location information into the EXIF metadata of the images on the card.

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CRM, Tech

Interesting concept behind Metalink3 as the substitute for Siebel Supportweb. Instead of designated contacts for an account with all users within that account using one of the designated user accounts, now each user will have their own account and they will be granted access to an account. This will provide Oracle with a more detailed view of their application user base including what projects individual consultants work on. It seems likely that end clients will be more diligent about adding and removing access to users rather than the past practice of changing the password everytime that someone left a project. It seems that finally Oracle/Siebel is interested in practicing CRM on it’s own customers and consultants.

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Man wins damages for theft of wife

Thought Provoking

Amazing story

When Sandra Valentine divorced her husband, Johnny, and married the man who had fathered her child during an affair, it had every appearance of another unremarkable tale of marital breakdown.

But when Johnny hit back and sued his rival Jerry Fitch for a six-figure sum, the Mississippi love triangle took on an altogether different dimension. And when he won in a verdict upheld by the state supreme court, he was suddenly richer to the tune of £750,000.