14 May 1985 – 30 years ago

Achill, Ireland, Photography, Travel



The first photographs I took were on a school trip to Connemara in 1985. I just noticed that it was exactly 30 years ago today that we started the trip.

14 May 1985

Climbing one of the Twelve Bens on the first day of the trip. To say that we were unprepared would be an understatement!


Chris point the way to an unimpressed Chris. John looks nonplussed.



The wind and rain was quite brutal. Unfortunately, we were nowhere near the top at this point.


This was the top of the mountain. Now looking relieved to a downward stroll.






Engaging in some spiritual reflection on the way down.

15 May 1985

Ben Lettery Youth Hostel




Nice weather on the one day that we didn’t climb any mountains.



Patrick posing at the Alcock and Brown memorial



16 May 1985


Ben Lettery Youth Hostel



The final photo after an exhausing and we climb on the last day of the trip.

Irish now on Duolingo

Ireland, Mobile, Tech, Thought Provoking, Web

Duolingo which is a fantastic language learning tool (I have it on my phone). It’s perfect for short bursts of brushing up on a language in small 10 minute sessions.

Now, I just found this post on Reddit that they have added Irish.

It’s still in beta so it can only be used on your computer. Once, it has come out of beta, it will be available on the mobile app.