Coldplay and Stuff White People Like

Music, Thought Provoking, Web

From Vanity Fair.

It is important to be aware that an affinity for Coldplay can cause an immediate loss of respect among “advanced” level white people. The best way to earn the trust of these people is to say “Coldplay is this generation’s U2.” (Note: this is an insult.) Advanced level white people are often the poorest white people in terms of money but the richest in terms of credibility and respect.

More appropriately, in my opinion Coldplay are this generation’s Dire Straits.

PicLens – Have you heard of it?

Photography, Tech, Web

PicLens is an amazing browser addon. It basically takes over the whole screen and provides a very intuitive way of browsing through photographs and videos on sites like Flickr and YouTube. It can run on any site after some modifications and there is also a wordpress plugin to enable a photo blog run through wordpress. It’s been a while since my jaw has opened at something on the web but this is really special. Go on, give it a try!

Live Mesh

Tech, Web

I’ve only just heard about this. Live Mesh looks very exciting as a way of keeping your own data local but being able to access it in a variety of ways.

A key design goal of the Live Mesh data synchronization platform is to allow customers to retain the ownership of their data that is implicit with local storage while improving on the anywhere access appeal of the web. The evolution of the web as a combined experience and storage platform is increasingly forcing customers to choose between the advantages of local storage (privacy, price, performance and applications) and the browser’s implicit promise of data durability, anywhere access and in many cases, easy sharing. A side effect of the competition to store customer data in the cloud and display it in a web browser is the fragmentation of that data and subsequent loss of ownership. Individual sites like Spaces, Flickr and Facebook make sharing easy, provided the people you are sharing with also use the same site. It is in fact very difficult to share across sites and equally difficult to work on the same data across the PC, mobile and web tiers.

Web 2.0 fails to produce cash

Tech, Web

From the FT

The shortage of revenue among social networks, blogs and other “social media” sites that put user-generated content and communications at their core has persisted despite more than four years of experimentation aimed at turning such sites into money-makers. Together with the US economic downturn and a shortage of initial public offerings, the failure has damped the mood in internet start-up circles.