Free Wedding in London?

Thought Provoking, Travel

The BBC reports that a Ukrainian bride is looking for guests for her side of the wedding.

The woman says in the advertisement: “I’m having a large mixed wedding of about 150 people.

“My partner has loads of family around to invite to the wedding. Unfortunately for me, my family are all in Ukraine so they all can’t make it. Only my mum and dad will be there.”

Volunteers have to send a photograph and write about themselves, but in return they get invited to the reception.

Perfect opportuntity for any “Wedding Crashers”!

Getting into mobile internet

Munich, Tech, Travel, Web

I’m a late adopter when it comes to using the internet on a phone. This has mainly come about due to the dearth of services that were available, my reluctance to commit to any type of contract and I wanted to get away from being online when I am away from the office or my apartment. However, now that I do a weekly commute and the fact that the train services I use don’t have any wireless services meant that I was out of touch for long spells on Mondays and Fridays. That was annoying when it meant being out of the loop while news was breaking on Monday or social plans were being made on Friday. This all came to a head when I needed a new phone and after a terrible experiment with an Lg, I found a review of the nokia 6220 classic on youtube that suggested it had the features of the N82 but without the huge pricetag. I got it and I got a kick out of using features like GPS, google maps, twitter, etc. However, the frequency and cost of topping up my credit was a problem. I went into t-mobile in Munich and they offered me a priceplan of 10 Euro a month but I had to commit to a contract. Since then, I haven’t looked back. My costs have good down, my train journeys are not so boring and now I’ve written my first blog post on the phone. Have a nice weekend.

Once upon a time in Norway

Tech, Thought Provoking, Travel, Web

Telemegaphone promises that your voice will be carried over the fjords of Norway by calling a number that is hooked to the loudspeaker powered by wind turbines. However, if the weather is especially calm, there may not be enough power make your announcement heard.

According to A Very Short List where I got the tip, it will only continue until September 6, the start of deer hunting season.

Munich = Hot

Germany, Munich, Travel

According to the New York Times

Munich has not exactly reinvented itself; that would mean a break with the past. The beauty, tradition and healthy dose of kitsch are all right where you left them on that unforgettable yet somehow hazy trip to Oktoberfest back in college. Instead Munich has succeeded in winning me over by blending tradition with a new feel — epitomized by the city’s strengths in art and design.