13 year old German boys tries to joyride to Paris. Now that’s what I call adventurous!
Augustiner Beer Garden in Munich
Germany, Munich, Photography, TravelIt’s all over
Football, Germany, MunichNormally, I would jump at the chance of a ticket for a Bayern game. Not tonight. The race for the Bundesliga title is already over and while the game is interesting for the relegation battle that Armenia Bielefeld are involved in, I’m just not interested enough to spend €20 to see it.
Haidhausen photos
Germany, Munich, PhotographyPhotos from Haidhausen last Sunday.
Life Before Death
Germany, Groundbreaking, Photography, Thought ProvokingA photographic project that made me think about mortality. Walter Schels took photographs of patients at a cancer ward before and after death. The really nice part of the gallery is the mini-stories about the subjects and how the thought about their situation.
Munich = Hot
Germany, Munich, TravelAccording to the New York Times
Munich has not exactly reinvented itself; that would mean a break with the past. The beauty, tradition and healthy dose of kitsch are all right where you left them on that unforgettable yet somehow hazy trip to Oktoberfest back in college. Instead Munich has succeeded in winning me over by blending tradition with a new feel — epitomized by the city’s strengths in art and design.
Police in Bavaria Stop Car with 14 People Inside
Germany, Munich, Thought ProvokingHow many people can you squeeze into a British phone box? This question has obsessed some people for decades. Now a similar conundrum appears to have been solved by a family stopped by German police: How many people fit into a five-seater car? The answer, it appears, is 14.
German police stopped an Opel Vectra Wednesday on an autobahn in the southern state of Bavaria and discovered four adults and 10 children huddled inside, according to police spokesman Peter Grimm. The car came to the officers’ attention because it was driving at a snail’s pace of 40 kmh (25 mph) on a busy highway frequented by heavy vehicles.