Google changes search engine to prioritise mobile friendly sites

Development, Mobile, Software, Tech, Web

I got an email from the Google Webmaster Tools Team in relation to one of my old sites.

Google systems have tested 204 pages from your site and found that 99% of them have critical mobile usability errors. The errors on these 202 pages severely affect how mobile users are able to experience your website. These pages will not be seen as mobile-friendly by Google Search, and will therefore be displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users.

Now I have to update this old site. I feel it is a good time to implement some current technologies like angular.js and jquery with it and maybe some others. But this is really a tipping point in the supremacy of sites being ready for mobile devices above normal computers and laptops.

CMS Wire has more detail here about the change.

It’s possible to test a site for mobile friendliness using this link.

Reheated pasta is less fattening

Fitness, Food

Yes, I was surprised when I heard this. Even better, the BBC performed an experiment to see if it was true.

A rapid rise in blood glucose, followed by a rapid fall, can often make you feel hungry again quite soon after a meal. It’s true of sugary sweets and cakes, but it’s also true for things like pasta, potatoes, white rice and white bread. That’s why dieticians emphasise the importance of eating foods that are rich in fibre, as these foods produce a much more gradual rise and fall in your blood sugars.

But what if you could change pasta or potatoes into a food that, to the body, acts much more like fibre? Well, it seems you can. Cooking pasta and then cooling it down changes the structure of the pasta, turning it into something that is called “resistant starch”

You can read the full article here.

Amanda Filipacchi’s fourth book


The Looks
I found this article by accident and didn’t realise that it was written by Amanda Filipacchi until a reference to her previous books came up. It seems that she is bringing out her new book in February titled “The Unfortunate Importance of Beauty”.

None of my novels had been autobiographical, but after writing them, I was starting to feel that while I wasn’t writing from life; life was writing from me.

The Unfortunate Importance of Beauty

Where is home for an expat?


Wall Street Journal
Interesting article that resonates with my lifestyle over the last 20 years or so.

Being an outsider was fine by me. The beauty of being a nomadic correspondent is you detach yourself from the flaws of the society you’re immersed in while soaking up the best it has to offer. You’re an observer. You have no stake. You’re just passing through.



I got some new phone last week. Just tried a few nighttime photographs and the performance seems impressive from the viewpoint of my phone screen.



I wonder if this is the best performing camera phone on.the market at present.