
I got some new phone from.work last week. Just tried a few nighttime photographs and the performance seems impressive from the viewpoint of my phone screen.



I wonder if this is the best performing camera phone on.the market at present.

2 thoughts on “LG G3

  1. Files look good zoomed in! I’m impressed, but I have also hear very good things about the iPhona 6/6+ camera.

  2. Have you still got your G3? I’m thinking about upgrading in the next couple of weeks and I’m really torn.

    My Note II is still going strong, but it’s a bit sluggish. I’m also sick of all the bloatware that Samsung keep trying to give me. I do like the look of the S6/Edge though.

    Nexus 6, stock Android, but pretty huge.

    HTC One M9 or an old M8


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